Our Pilot Course Launches

Our pilot course is off to an exciting start, and we’re thrilled with the enthusiasm from our first cohort. Their eagerness to learn has created a vibrant atmosphere as we explore the foundations of conservation retrofit.

In Week 1, we covered essential topics that lay the groundwork for our students’ exploration of retrofitting traditionally constructed buildings. It was an engaging introduction to natural building materials, allowing students to get hands-on experience with the materials they’ll use in practical sessions.

Week 2 took us deeper into building science, providing students with crucial knowledge. We focused on moisture management within buildings, a vital aspect of traditional building retrofitting. We also dived into vapour permeability, analysing the unique properties of various building fabric materials. In the practical session, students installed an insulated solid floor using materials like foamed glass gravel and lime.

We’re excited about the upcoming weeks, filled with practical exercises that will prepare our students for careers in the retrofit industry. These modules include fitting external wall insulation and rendering using lime, essential skills for retrofitting traditional buildings.

Stay engaged and follow us on Instagram for weekly course updates and photos.

#RetrofitTheRightWay #SustainableConstruction #EducationJourney

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